
Alumnus of IHM Mumbai, class of 1980. Bar & Beverage Consultant to international brands & bars; a freelance journalist.
Created STIR academy of bartending for giving young students skills, direction, purpose and a career, allowing them to support their family and growth opportunities.
Educates trade and consumers, on the hows & whys, taste profiles, nuances and the art and science of mixology. Encouraging people to think and appreciate, not just drink. Her easy style, wit and irreverent approach makes even the most difficult to understand subjects, simple!


I don’t thinks it’s one or the other. One has to look at it holistically not in isolation. It is a combination of factors that work together creating a thought process in the mind of a woman or her family. Men cannot be solely responsible for keeping women out.

It’s about belief and and the ability to deal with familial and societal pressures that dog us. There is no profession that can keep women out. Nor can the men in that profession. However, it’s about the men and women at home that often come in the way of a woman’s decision to walk a path. If one has enough conviction and passion in what we choose to do, and want it badly enough, no power on earth can stop one. We are drivers of change and society evolves as we evolve. Education and knowledge are powerful tools. But eventually it’s passion and vision that takes us to where we want to be.