Executive Vice President, Business Development, Digital & Emerging Partnerships, New Payment Flows, Mastercard APAC

Rama Sridhar is an experienced Business Head, Strategist and an Expert in Payments. Driven by a passion for excellence, she takes pride in providing the best executive leadership possible. As Executive Vice President, Mastercard for Digital and Emerging Partnerships, her goals include expanding the company’s stakeholder base to new client segments – digital ecosystems; strategic partnerships and establishing Mastercard’s presence in new payment flows across businesses and consumers.
Rama’s passion for creating businesses to achieve profitable and high growth trajectories has continued through her 30 year career across Technology, Financial Services and Payments industries. As a seasoned woman executive, she is also involved in mentoring high potential talent for future leadership and advising start-ups in establishing growth businesses. She is constantly looking to espouse causes that can make meaningful changes to the future of the female gender – education, career mentoring, entrepreneurship guidance and health care.