
Participation Form

In a year when the focus is on the economy, we welcome you to The Economic Times Women’s Forum, a milestone in the national dialogue of gender and work. Meet the women who are creating opportunities for millions of other women and the new generation of bold young achievers online, in sports, in tech, in the armed forces and several other fields.

Featuring keynote addresses, panel discussions, one-on-one interviews, interstitial spotlights and entertainment, the Economic Times Women’s Forum is a serious multimedia pageant that goes to the heart of the challenges we face as women: Are you worried about the impact of the deep economic slowdown on your financial security? Do you feel more vulnerable than ever in public spaces? What new pathways does tech offer to success?

With unemployment at record levels, less than a quarter of working age women have jobs in a year when India graduated more women than men from its colleges.

In a year when the focus is on the economy, we welcome you to The Economic Times Women’s Forum, a milestone in the national dialogue of gender and work. Meet the women who are creating opportunities for millions of other women and the new generation of bold young achievers online, in sports, in tech, in the armed forces and several other fields.

Participation Form

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