Hailing from Haryana, Captain Kiran Sangwan,28, credits her rise to a Commander with Indigo Airlines as the result of her father’s unstinting support. “When I graduated, the airline industry was going through a slump. People criticised him for spending so much money on educating a daughter, but he had faith in me,” she says. Kiran started flying at the age of 16, clocking 4000 hrs in the air. She is proud of working for an airline which has 250 women pilots, the most of any airline worldwide. The highlight of her job , she says, is when she gets to command all women crew flights. Kiran has worked at a women’s orphanage in Bangalore Sumangali Seva Ashrama and is affiliated with the NGO Marg, which also supports women’s empowerment.She is currently doing Sociology Honors at Delhi University.