Captain, Assam Rifles

Captain Ruchi Pathak comes from an Air Force background. Joining the Armed Forces was always her passion for which she prepared relentlessly. After her basic training at Officer’s Training Academy at Chennai she was commissioned as a ‘Lieutenant’ in the Corps of Signals on 12th March 2016. A sharp shooter, she was selected for the Army’s South-Western Command team in 10 mtr Air Rifle event.
Being a thorough professional, she has been entrusted with important professional tasks, earning the respect and admiration of her superiors, colleagues and subordinates alike. For her dedication and devotion to duty, Captain Ruchi Pathak was awarded the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief’s Commendation Card in 2019.
She came to public attention when she represented the Assam Rifles during the first ever All Women’s Marching Contingent which took part in the Republic Day Parade in New Delhi on 26th January 2019