The Economic Times Women’s Forum

In a year that has been like no other, the transition to a new reality has been fraught with uncertainty as we have made a sea change in how we live, work, and love. There have been winners and losers with far reaching implications for global economics, health, education, personal development, gender, and race. We welcome you to The Economic Times Women’s Forum, a milestone in the national dialogue on gender and work. Meet the women who have taken the challenge head-on creating opportunities for millions of other women, the new generation of bold young achievers online, influencers whose reach has grown in food, travel, sports, and women who are shaping the future of tech in India.

Featuring keynote addresses, panel discussions, one-on-one interviews, and interludes with celebrities, the Economic Times Women’s Forum is a serious multimedia pageant that goes to the heart of the challenges we face as women: Are you worried about the impact of the deep economic slowdown on your financial security? Has the pandemic been harder for women, especially those who have had to work from home while managing family and domestic commitments? Has the silent epidemic in mental health issues and depression left you feeling more vulnerable than ever – both at home and in public spaces? What new pathways does tech offer women who want to rethink and recalibrate their professional goals for a changing workplace?

With unemployment at record levels, less than a quarter of working-age women have jobs in a year when India graduated more women than men from its colleges. Why has India slipped again this year to 112 in the authoritative Global Gender Gap Index and what is the government and private sector doing to reverse this trend? We ask industry leaders and the women who represent us in Parliament for answers.

This year’s Forum will be even bigger because we are not constrained by physical space. We invite you to a six week pageant where the discussions will be interactive and online but the reporting will continue to appear in the newspaper and broadcast through the multimedia channels of the Economic Times. Join us to make change happen. Join us to strengthen the Power of Half a Billion Indian women There has never been a more critical time for women to come together and be heard.

The Economic Times Women’s Forum is open to all. You can register for the event here.


10 Gritty Crusaders For Gender Equality in India

From the clothes you wear, the beliefs you hold, the languages you speak, the colour of your skin, or even your choice to love, someone else is always trying to define your identity for you… …more

India and Gender Equality in Security Affairs

Nearly two decades after the United Nations adopted the landmark Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda, India remains one of the many member states that are yet to develop a WPS National Action Plan (NAP)…. …more

Women Are Now the Majority of the U.S. Workforce

Going into 2020, the U.S. economy generally seems strong — especially for women, who hold the majority of jobs for the first time in almost a decade. Women held 50.04% of American jobs as of December… …more

These are the best countries for women to work in

In every region of the world, discriminatory laws still prevent women from fulfilling their potential, undermining their economic security by limiting their ability to work and pursue a career… …more

Taking on the Taboos That Keep Women Out of India's Workforce

In India’s rural villages, social norms dictate that women are to remain in the home, not out and about—and definitely not working. If a woman is seen working outside the home, her neighbors might think… …more

Where are India’s working women?

India is an economic powerhouse on the global stage. It earned the moniker of the world’s fastest-growing major economy in 2017, maintaining GDP growth above 7% p.a. since 2011-12… …more

Gender Pay Gap In the Gig Economy Is Narrower

Female freelancers earn better than women in a regular workforce, according to Payoneer’s 2020 Global Freelancer Income Report. A freelancing woman earns on average 84 per cent of what a… …more

Cloud cooking land: Indian housewives become gig economy chefs

Rashmi Sahijwala never expected to start working at the age of 59, let alone join India’s gig economy — now she is part of an army of housewives turning their homes into “cloud kitchens” to feed… …more

Why workplace diversity and inclusion should not be a numbers game

In today’s numbers-driven economy, it’s all too easy to think of diversity and inclusion as just another target to meet. But within an organization, having a balance of gender, ethnicity… …more